Monday, November 2, 2009

Year 8 - HP - Basketball

Listed below are a number of questions in which i would like for you to openly discuss and answer. Each student is required to post at least once on this page so we are able to collaborate our knowledge whilst learning about this topic.

Who invented the game of basketball?

How many players are allowed on the court per team?

What is a rebound and why is this important?

What is a "foul" in the game of basketball?

Discuss the advantages of practicing to jump while shooting the basketball?

Discuss some of the possible problems of jumping while shooting the basketball?

How high is a basketball ring positioned from the ground?

How long does a team have to shoot the basketball once they have gained possession and why?

How can you score 3points and what is the benefit of this?

What are the basic offensive skills required to play basketball?

What are the basic defensive skills required to play basketball?

If a player gets to shoot free throws how many team members can he have in the "line up"?

Students may i ask you that you discuss these questions openly between all of you. Please refrain from putting people down as no answer is wrong answer. We can discuss the various topics together as we each input a little of our own knowledge.